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Experience the healing and uplifting power of your voice as you strengthen and activate your vocal channel.

Experience the healing and uplifting power of your voice as you strengthen and activate your vocal channel in a supportive environment. All voices and skill levels are welcome in this safe, sacred space of vocal expression and exploration. The format is primarily call and response, with lyrics provided when needed. Our time together will include…

  • Yoga of the Voice: A guided, call-and-response singing practice that will tune you into the meditative power of your voice, fostering a deeper connection with your inner self.
  • Mantra, Medicine Songs, & Chants from Around the World: We will sing a few select sacred songs and chants from a diverse tapestry of global cultures and traditions.
  • Group Vocal Improvisation: A creative adventure into spontaneous group vocal expression.

Tickets: $30 Preregister; $45 at the door if space permits


Michelle Anise is a healing arts practitioner, musician, sound healer, songwriter, and music producer. Her offerings provide a transformational space for personal growth and spiritual connection with an intuitively creative twist. She is a founding facilitator of San Diego’s One Voice choir, the creator of the Mystic Path Oracle, and has published 4 Sound Healing & Meditation Albums in collaboration with Hay House Publishing Company. Her original music can be found on Spotify and all other streaming platforms. www.michelleanise.com

Ryder Mackey A musician and songwriter, Ryder brings a soulful, elemental quality to his creative expression, infused with deep reverence for nature and the poetic mystical cultures from around the world.

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