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Diamond Light Transmission with Paul Temple to activate the ancient code of your sacred power, to awaken your sleeping beauty and remember

Akashic Memory Activation:

Diamond Light Transmission with Paul Temple

Our soul (akashic) memory, which includes our soul purpose, is encoded in the inner sanctum of the heart. This is the energy center of the heart, which is different than the anatomical heart. In the turbulent confusion and delusion of the outer world, we can lose touch and forget this innate source of power and truth. Here is an invitation to re-connect and remember.

Through the magic of Paul’s sonic transmissions we will take a mystical journey to the Temple of your heart – the inner sanctum of your soul – to activate the ancient code of your sacred power — to awaken your sleeping beauty and remember your authentic soul-self. As we visit the Temple of the Heart we can be “re-minded” of the vision of our soul mission, we can be re-connected with our spiritual guides and protectors. We can activate the light codes of our higher self and power.

No matter what happens in the outer world, we can prepare our inner light to magnetize and manifest our “soul medicine”: our service and gift to the world. This is very important in this time of fear and uncertainty. While the world around us shakes and changes we can hold steady in the pure light of the heart – which is connected with the pure light of divine consciousness.

“Beautiful Music, Sacred Space” ~Deva Premal & Miten

Peaceful. Penetrating. Pure. These words have been used to describe Paul Temple’s RadianceMatrix, who has toured internationally with these musical meditations. His album RADIANCE MIXES, featuring the voice of Deva Premal, went to #5 on iTunes World Music chart. www.RadianceMatrix.com“Some people play music and some people channel spirit thru sound. RadianceMatrix is definitely a powerful channel.” ~ Melissa, Boulder, CO

Sliding Scale Registration: $11.11 – $23.23 Live attendance is available at Double Rainbow Ranch in Boulder, CO. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to start to get settled. Contact Paul for more info: DiamondLightNetwork@gmail.com.

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