Thu April 18, 7:30pm
Live on Zoom & Double Rainbow Ranch, Boulder
Connect with Spirit Guides: Awaken Intuitive & Telepathic Abilities
with Paul Temple
Many people have extra-sensory skills that are dormant or undeveloped: skills like intuition, clairvoyance, empathy, healing hands and sensitivity to subtle energy. I believe these traits might be innate in our human DNA — and if we learn to develop them the same way we train our intellectual abilities we could become a more peaceful and enlightened species.
Connecting with your higher awareness is not difficult. We work with a simple introductory process to dialogue with spirit guides, who sometimes manifest as your intuitive voice. Learning to differentiate the guide’s voice from your own internal talk is the first step.
Remembering these magical gifts is important in this time. Despite being marginalized and ridiculed in mainstream culture, we can reclaim these powers to enhance our own sensitivities and raise the collective consciousness of humanity.
“Some people play music and some people channel spirit thru sound. RadianceMatrix is definitely a powerful channel.” ~ Melissa, Boulder, CO
Peaceful. Penetrating. Pure. These words have been used to describe Paul Temple’s RadianceMatrix, who has toured internationally with these musical meditations. His album RADIANCE MIXES, featuring the voice of Deva Premal, went to #5 on iTunes World Music chart.
Registration: Sliding scale: $13.13 to $26.26
The session will include writing so please have a pen and paper on hand.
Live attendance is available at Double Rainbow Ranch. Please contact Paul for more information: