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Please join us for a powerful evening of healing and transformation. The solar eclipse is a time of new beginnings in which spiritual power is magnified, so it is the perfect opportunity to initiate the changes that you desire.

The topic that we’ll focus on is prana and breath. The eastern schools of metaphysics have long spoken of the importance of breath. They considered proper breathing essential to healthy living.

The evening will consist of:

A short talk on how the breath draws in the essential prana that helps us to rebuild the physical body.

Breathwork exercises

You will be seated in small groups of 3 recipients per certified healer, each with a minimum of 5 years of metaphysical training,

Specific divine light rays will be directed into your chakras to release negative energies.

The divine light will then be used to uplift your consciousness wherever it is needed.

The healers will then work on your nervous system to release blockages and revitalize your nerve body.

Whether you are seeking physical, mental or emotional transformation, Divine Light healing is a full-spectrum aura therapy. It offers spiritual upliftment in every area of life including a greater sense of self-reliance and self-confidence, release of past traumas and negative habits, accelerated development of talent and abilities and greater harmony in all types of relationships.

“Spiritual energy is the single biggest key to building and sustaining health, because it connects you to your source of health.”- Barbara Martin & Dimitri Moraitis – The Healing Power of Your Aura

The aura is crucial to healing because it is the place where you generate the spiritual energy to manifest health. Built on the clairvoyant experiences of renowned teachers Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis, these healing techniques have been endorsed by medical luminaries C. Norman Shealy and Dr. Richard Gerber.

NEIL MINTZ is a certified Divine Light Teacher through Spiritual Arts Institute, with 12 years of intensive study in metaphysics and healing. Neil currently volunteers his fulltime to serving the Institute as Director of Events and Outreach, on the Board of Directors, and teaching workshops and classes. Neil’s teaching style is open and accessible. He focuses on helping students understand how to apply the teachings in their everyday lives.

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