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Online Livestreaming Event

Wah!’s Integrative Sound Healing program is taken from her new book Self-Care: “Building a Smarter, Stronger, More Peaceful Self”. Improve your health, mood, and increase feelings of wellness and inner peace. Try tapping, breathing and clearing techniques, enjoy a live sound healing relaxation, luxuriate in simple humming practices and short meditation.

Self-Care is complementary to many therapies and can be used for cancer support, PTSD recovery, nursing burnout, prison, schools, hospice, counseling, first responder support and more. Bring Self-Care to your schools, yoga centers, spas, rehab and integrative medical centers. Be happy in the vibration of sound!

Cost: $15  Event runs 5:30-6:30pm PST

Special 30 min Teachers Class ~ Stay after class for a special online Self-Care/ISH teachers meeting with Wah! Meet with other Self-Care teachers, ask Wah! questions, start a Self-Care class in your community! 6:30-7:00pm PST – $5 extra

Login link and password will be included in the confirmation email.

Bio: Wah! has been using sound as a healing tool for 40 years. She was born into a musical family and graduated from Oberlin College/Conservatory with a Performing Arts Degree and a minor in Vocal Studies. She explored African, Indian, and Western folk and jazz music and became one of the pioneers of kirtan (mantra chanting) in the West. Her meditative music is used around the world, her Savasana CDs are bestsellers. Wah! has been performing The Healing Concert for the last 10 years, helping audiences relax and dive deeper into their healing experience. She uses music, vocals, spoken word, loops, samples and effects to create her transformative musical events. www.wahmusic.com

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