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This group is made a safe space for all human beings & sincere seekers. Our intention is to dedicate our time and sincere energy to uplift our consciousness to become pure, loving, kind, and compassionate beings – all through the practice of Simple Yoga, Group Meditation, and Authentic Spiritual Discussion to facilitate spiritual transformation within and without.

We ask that you show up OnTime and DON’T Be Late!

Remember this isn’t just your time, it’s about respecting the time of others as well.

The event will be held at “Fresh N Go” restaurant starting at 9am (before they open at 11am).

This is a safe space for you to positivity grow in every aspect of your life and be apart of an uplifting community during the process.

Arrive at 9am 🕘.

We will begin our journey together with an opening mediation PRECISELY at 9:15 and go for approximately 10 minutes.

Group discussion will start thereafter for another 45-60 minutes.

After we will practice opening up our being with some simple Yoga stretches for 10 minutes or so. Followed with a dynamic Group Meditation for another 20-30 minutes.

Following the session, there will be a lovely time to connect with the community and build lasting friendships!!

We invite all guest to join us and be apart of the community even more so by having lunch together at Fresh N Go (the restaurant that supports us and makes it possible).

If you have any questions or concerns; please message me and I will be happy to answer or assist you to the best of my ability.

My email is alex@alexmarlay.com

We look forward to having you with us 🙏🏼💗🙇🏻.

Alex (Spiritual Teacher & Guide)

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