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Happy Bear Sweat Lodge

Saturday December 30th in Oceanside
Things to bring 1 or 2 towels, water to hydrate yourself, gift for the fire tender, food for the potluck,love offering, modest lodge attire, and an open heart and strong prayers! NO ONE is ever turned away for lack of any or all of the above!
Fire lighting will be 10 am for both lodges, 8:30 if you would like to help build the fire and get things ready.

From O’side take 5 north to Mission exit east to light at Canyon  turn right 1 block and right on Foster follow to Saratoga and go right to end of cul de sac and enter on left thru empty field. 2160 Saratoga Oceanside

A huge thank you to the Rubano family for sharing their lodge and home with us for almost the last decade,

Remember to stay out of the chaos and controversy and shine your lights BRIGHT Some of the most powerful people on Mother Earth are the little old ladies that plant flowers and send love to the people passing by Happy Holidays looking forward to sharing sacred space

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