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Experience a magical blend of soothing crystal bowl vibrations, Reiki energy healing, uplifting angel messages, and transformative music ima

Experience a Soulful Fusion: Crystal Bowls, Reiki, Angel Messages & Music Assisted Imagery

Embark on a journey of tranquility and spiritual awakening with us in Carlsbad, CA. Join our enchanting event where we seamlessly blend crystal bowls, breathwork, angel messages, and music assisted imagery. Held poolside outdoors, this unique fusion promises to transport you to a realm of profound relaxation and spiritual connection. We often attract vaious birds and wildlife that sing along to the experience.

Two Powerful Healers Unite for Transformation:

Immerse yourself in the ethereal sounds of classical music played on crystal bowls, feel the transformative shifts of breathwork, and receive insightful messages from the angelic realm through your own experience. This collaborative experience offers deep healing and spiritual growth. Many messages will come directly to you through visions and messages. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your soul and embrace the harmonious convergence of sound, energy, breath and divine guidance.


“I feel lighter and less irritable, calmer.”

“To Ellen, I will never forget the beauty that you create for us. I hold you in my heart.” —Anita

“Ellen Wier, out of San Diego is an amazing music therapist. She took me through a profound, guided imagery experience that was transformational.” Jack Canfield, Co-Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul

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