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An August afternoon of community food & fun!

We are so proud and humbled to welcome Karl Anthony as he returns to the Ananda Encinitas Palace Gardens.

Illustrious producer, singer, and songwriter, Karl’s career has spanned more than three decades and taken him all over the globe. His performances feature a synthesis of eastern and western musical styles, such as the infusion of kirtan call-and-response chants. These are mixed in with a little acoustic rock and Karl’s amazing story telling.

Karl says, “singing together is a pathway to pure joy and a quiet acceptance of the bitter sweetness of life.”

He has received several Gandhi/King Season For Nonviolence Peace Hero Awards for his humanitarian efforts and innovative music.


Bring enough to feed 5 people according to the 1st letter of your last name. Prefer vegetarian and gluten free. Bring disposable utensils and serving dishes, or label returnable dishes. Alkaline water and Indian Chai will be served.

A-E  Salads

F-L   Entrees

M-Z   Desserts


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