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Gather your friends and join us in an evening filled with music, community and charitable giving at TEAM’s first annual nonprofit fundraiser

Playing It Forward

Mark your calendar, gather your friends and join us in an evening filled with music, community and charitable giving at TEAM’s first annual nonprofit fundraiser! Guests will enjoy beats from DJ Freeman, an interactive networking “scavenger hunt” and a delectable spread of charcuterie and drinks with TEAM chapter members from across San Diego County.

This activity is meant to encourage guests to engage with our nonprofit representatives on a deeper level, fostering connections and understanding of the vital work these organizations accomplish where you can expand your professional network and contribute to a meaningful cause.

Mingle and network: As you arrive at the event, you’ll be greeted with a warm welcome and given a Quest card. This card will contain clues or questions related to each of the six nonprofit organizations.

Visit the nonprofit tables: Scattered throughout the venue, you’ll find tables representing each of the featured nonprofits. Each table will be staffed by passionate individuals eager to share information about their organization’s mission, projects and impact.

Gather clues and information: Engage in meaningful conversations with representatives from these nonprofits to gather clues or answers to the questions on your Quest card. For example, you might learn about their founding story, current initiatives or the communities they serve.

Complete the Quest: As you collect information from various nonprofit tables, fill in the corresponding sections on your Quest card. The more you learn, the closer you’ll get to completing your card.

Prizes and recognition: Once you’ve successfully gathered all the required information or solved the clues, return your completed card to the event organizers. Not only will you have gained valuable insight into these nonprofits, but you’ll also be eligible for prizes or recognition for your Quest achievements.

Your participation in this event supports local nonprofit organizations dedicated to making a positive impact within our community. By joining us, you’ll get to make new friends, business contacts and further contribute to the success of TEAM Referral Network. It’s an event you don’t want to miss! All ticket and auction proceeds will be equally distributed to the non-profit organizations.

Tickets $75.00

Early Bird Pricing Until Oct. 6th $65.00

**All proceeds will be equally distributed between non-profits.

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