Hanuman Chalisa Workshop
in person and on Zoom
w/ Trevor
5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 5/25 ** 3-6 pm
$54 (returning students)
$72 (register by 4/20)
$108 (full price)
Our Winter Chalisa workshop was such a powerful devotional experience that we’ve decided to offer it again this Spring to continue to grow and expand the culture of Hanuman bhakti and Chalisa chanting.
Join us four Saturdays in May to explore the transformative power of the Hanuman Chalisa, a 40-verse poem celebrating Hanuman’s virtues and devotion to Lord Rama, detailing his greatest feats in the Hindu epic, the Ramayana. Arguably one of the most popular Hindu devotional hymns, chanting the Chalisa is a daily spiritual practice for countless devotees the world over.
This four-part workshop will delve into the mythology and history of the Chalisa, address correct pronunciation, chanting modes and melodies, and unpack the rich content of each verse, considered a mahamantra, or “great mantra”, by Neem Karoli Baba.
Recordings will be made available for all sessions, along with various enrichment materials, including a Chalisa playlist for practicing and listening.
Two scholarships are available for sincere applicants in financial need. To apply contact Trevor.
About the instructor: Trevor was introduced to kirtan in 2015 by Tim Miller, of Encinitas, an ashtanga yoga luminary and great Hanuman devotee. At once enchanted by the potency and magic of mantra, Trevor’s path in pursuit of bhakti has been blessed by many influential elders, teachers, and friends along the way. He has hosted Kirtan on State in Carlsbad Village since 2021, and he relishes all opportunities to chant the Divine names with fellow spiritual seekers.