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Learn how to facilitate Crystal Bowl Club! This is a fun and friendly 60 min experience that can be taught in your home, at a yoga studio, church, community center, outside, and just about anywhere! Crystal Bowl Club is a hands-on class focused on empowering students interested in utilizing crystal bowls for healing and wellness.

Prerequisites: Integrative Sound Healing, the Science of Sound, and must have taken at least 3 crystal bowl training sessions with Amanda and have at least 3 crystal bowls to use and share.

This online course consists of 3 days:

Class 1: October 6th; 5:30-8:00pm PST
Class 2: October 20th; 5:30-8:00pm PST
Class 3: November 3rd; 5:30-8:00pm PST

Tuition: $264

Please contact Rebecca@soulofyoga.com directly if you have any questions, need crystal bowls, or would like to audit the course.

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