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Join us for Winterlude: Winter Solstice with the Monks of Madre Grande Monastery, a magical in-person event on sacred land in southeast SD.

As we move through the autumn season and days slowly get shorter, we are reminded to slow down–that the time for deep, introspective rest is coming.

An “interlude” is a break, a pause. And the Winter Solstice marks the beginning of an opportunity for a personal break or pause.

It provides an opportunity to really slow down, reconnect to self and spirit, and reflect – both on the year’s cycle of birth and growth, as well as what we may feel wanting to be birthed in the coming year.

You are invited to visit Madre Grande Monastery and the sacred land we steward, for a day of workshops and experiences created to fill your toolbox for this upcoming reflective hibernation.

Enjoy a guided nature walk, or learn how to listen and tend to your gut biome. Explore various creative outlets, and learn helpful frameworks for interpreting intrapersonal experiences.

See the Agenda Section below and purchase tickets for individual workshops or for the entire day. You are also invited to add-on camping Friday and/or Saturday nights, as well as 1:1 time with our Abbot or our resident Inner Healing Specialist!

We are humbled to offer this day of connection and reflection to you, and look forward to seeing you at The Madre.

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