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Infinite Energy is an entertainment showcase, a dance party, and a fundraiser for Climate Change all wrapped up into one spectacular festival of visual and audible inspiration! Guests should bring an open mind, their dancing shoes, and their unshakable will to help save the planet. We expect the connections made at this event to lead to the creation of incredible artistic collaborations that support a better tomorrow.

This 1 day, all ages Theatrical Cirque & Science Festival will feature multiple Tesla coil lightning & fire dance performances, family friendly workshops, speakers, kids area, opportunities to play with lightning for VIPs, food, vendors, and a DJ dance party!
SkyFire Arts is donating to Project Drawdown, which directly addresses climate change by identifying & promoting the most leveraged solutions to this most complex & vital issue of our modern times. Come prepared to have your worldview expanded, your inspiration activated, and your joy centers stoked! Come support local artists with a party for a purpose!️

Event link: https://www.skyfirearts.com/infinite-energy

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